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Importance of an Impressive CV

Team Yogesh Patel

Importance of an Impressive CV

16-09-2020 | By Team Yogesh Patel

Keywords: cv format, curriculum vitae format, impressive cv templates

We all have heard the saying, "First impression is often deemed as the last impression". Mostly referred to as Curriculum Vitae, CV is undoubtedly one of the most important compact document for the pursuit of your dream job. CV in a well-drafted curriculum vitae format is a tool with one sole purpose- To conquer employer in interview!!

CV empowers the employer to shortlist applicants by providing an impression of the skillset of the applicant. After the CV is shortlisted, the employer calls the applicant for an interview, making CV a game-changing tool. With proper skillsets and character sketch drafted in a proper cv format, the employer gets an idea of whether the skills and qualities of the job-seeker will synchronize with the requirement of the organization.

Expert HR’s are skilled in identifying qualities they require for the position through the use of modernized technology, automated search tools and experience. Latest technology helps in looking for relevant keywords in the CV for the specific job role. Hence, a CV drafted in proper cv format must include necessary keywords which link applicants to the role he/she is applying for.

Quality of an impressive CV:

Concise and crisp, yet packed with sufficient details

Written in a simple yet engaging language

Follows curriculum vitae format

Contains every relevant information of the applicant

More importantly, it sets an agenda for the interview. If the resume of the applicant is complex, the job seeker loses the slight chance of being invited to the interview. The applicant should rather prepare and fail than to submit the half-baked resume. If there is any employment gap then there are several techniques to dilute those shortcomings.

In today's competitive environment Hiring managers not only want to hire someone who can do the job but potentially do more than their job.

An ideal CV should be specific, clear, and concise. It should be easy to read and understood by the recruiter, yet technical enough to be meaningful. One must try to use the same language used by the Employer, which often helps to be flagged by the search tool, as it shows similarities between the job seeker and the requirement of the employee.

Your CV sells your strongest skills and accomplishment to the recruiting managers, hence it must radiate a positive image. At last to say, if you paid money go to school, spent time investing in learning a trade, then putting some time in making your CV is definitely worth it.     

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Team Yogesh Patel

Importance of an Impressive CV

Keywords: cv format, curriculum vitae format, impressive cv templates

16-09-2020 | By Team Yogesh Patel